artistic bombing crew - chicago graffiti
Chicago Old School Graffiti


Over the past few years, the exploits of our artists have been featured in many publications. Here are just a few:

Chicago Sun-Times - "Yearly CTA Graffiti Tab is $1 Million (1985)
Chicago Tribune - "Writing's on the Wall: CTA's Graffiti Worsens" (1985)
Chicago Reader - Excerpt (1985)
Chicago Tribune - "Gangs Play Graffiti Tag, CTA's It!" (1985)
Spraycan Art (1987)
Chicago SunTimes - "Exhibt Tags Graffiti as Art" (1988)
Chicago Sun-Times - "Tag it as Art, Graffiti Gang gets a Patron" (1989)
Chicago Reader - "Art Facts: Neo-Graffiti by Erik Debat, aka Risk" (1990)

1985: Chicago Sun-Times - Artistic Bombing Crew (Second Column, 3rd Bullet Point)

1985: Chicago Tribune - Artistic Bombing Crew (1st page, Second Column, Tains in Rosemont yard; 2nd page, First Column, "A Taste of NY")

1985: Chicago Reader (All of ABC mentioned; Photos of Seen holding a Take2 sketch & Trixter with homemade markers)

1985: Chicago Tribune - Hitting Closed Stations

1987: Spraycan Art, A book Published by Thames & Hudson. "Chicago" & "Windy City" (Trixter)

1988: Chicago SunTimes - Orko, Trixter & Slang

1989: Chicago Sun Times - 'Hate' Memorial permission piece with Mite, Hex and Agent (Take 2)

1990: Chicago Reader - Risk)

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